Вернемся к Perl

Нашел на FAQ странице твоего хостера
Q: What is the path to perl? A: /usr/bin/perl
Поэтому путь верный.

Крон строка будет такая:
15 0 * * * cd /home/username/www.femdom-foot.com/; perl get_motd_thumbs.pl
где username - товой логин у хостера

Еще мысль с FAQ
Q: I am positive I set the permissions on my scripts correctly, but they just won't run. What's wrong?
A: First, make sure the directories (including the cgi-bin directory itself) are set to mode 705.

Second, if you're trying to run a perl sript, make sure you've got the path to perl set correctly. The path to perl on our servers is located in the Paths category.

Lastly, make sure your scripts are uploaded in ASCII mode and the modification you made to the script before uploading it were made with an ASCII editor like Notepad. You must explicitly set your FTP client to ASCII mode when you upload scripts, since the default is usually binary.
Если есть возможность, обратись с вопросом запуска PERL скрипта к службе поддержки (support@protgp.com). Потому что дело на строне сервера.